Every day, we interact with thousands of consumer products.
As users, we expect these products, no
matter how simple or complex, to perform their expected
functions in a safe, reliable, and efficient
manner. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as
designing consumer products that satisfy
human needs and expectations are not an easy task. The design the process that involves the application
goals and, at the same time, reduce the risk of product
malfunction or failure, reduce
the potential
for accidents, and contribute to overall product acceptance
and utility, all while reducing the total
product life cycle cost.
ergonomics is a unique and far-reaching discipline that
focuses on the nature of human–artifact interactions,
which are viewed from a unified perspective on science,
engineering, design, technology,
and management of human-compatibility systems. The ergonomics
discipline promotes
a holistic, human-centered approach that considers physical,
cognitive, social, organizational,
environmental, and other design-relevant factors. As such, ergonomics
aids designers by raising their
awareness of the full scope of knowledge required when
designing consumer products, and plays
an important role in facilitating a better performance of
consumer products in general. ergonomics -based design of products encompasses
a wide variety of consumer preferences, and accounts for differences in such
preferences due to factors such as age, gender, or health issues.
The goal of the human-centered design paradigm as applied to consumer products is to improve levels of user satisfaction, the efficiency of use, increase comfort and assure safety under normal use as well as foreseeable misuse of the product.
Currently, there is substantial and convincing evidence that the application of ergonomics knowledge
can improve the critical features of consumer products. These features include ease of use, ability to
learn product functions, efficiency, comfort, safety, and adaptability, all of which meet the needs
and contribute to consumer satisfaction.
the potential

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